Pre-Baptismal Questionnaire Child's Name First Middle Last Birth Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Father's Name First Middle Last Father's ReligionMother's Name First Middle Last Maiden NameMother's ReligionGodfather's Name First Last ReligionGodmother's Name First Last ReligionChristian Witness First Last ReligionChristian Witness First Last Religion*Note: Sponsors for Catholic Baptism are required to be baptized and confirmed practicing Roman Catholics. If there are two Godparents (Catholic) they must be one Godmother and one Godfather, not two Godmothers or two Godfathers. Non-Catholics may be Christian Witnesses and stand by the Baptismal Font.Marital Status Married Single Divorced Seperated Widow If SINGLE, DIVORCED OR SE PARA TED, does the other parent know about the baptism? Yes No If MARRIED, has there been a previous marriage for either? Yes No If YES, have annulments been granted for any and all previous marriages? Yes No Have you been to a baptism preparation class within the last three years? Yes No Do you consider yourself a practicing Roman Catholic? Yes No I attend Church: Always Often Infrequently Never PhoneCAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ