Time & Talent Sign- Up For YOUTH and ADULTS "*" indicates required fields Name First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code PhoneEmail* Which Mass do you generally attend?*Saturday 5:15 p.m.Sunday 8:30 a.m.Sunday 10:30 a.m.I would like use my talent and time for the following ministries Evening of Remembrance Fall Dinner / Bazzaar God's Give Parish Spokesperson Prayer Warriors (prayer chain) Faith Formation/Youth Ministry* (You may choose more than one.) Catechist Chaperone RCIA Catechist RCIC Catechist Retreat Team Sacramental Preparation Team Substitute Catechist Transportation to youth events** Vacation Bible School Faith Formation Committee Food Service (You may choose more than one.) Communal Reconciliation Reception Dining Room Set-up Dishwasher Thanksgiving Dinner Easter Vigil Social Funeral Luncheons Holy Thursday Meal Churches United Phone calls for volunteers Soup & More Sunday Coffee & Goodies Wake Reception Grounds and Flowers (indoor and/or Outdoor) (You may choose more than one.) Garden Club (caring for outside plants) Lawn Care Spring/Fall Clean-up Water and caring for inside plants Health Ministry (You may choose more than one.) Take Blood Pressures after Mass (must be a medical professional) Make Home Visits or Follow-up Phone Calls Liturgy / Mass (You may choose more than one.) Altar server Take Communion to the Homebound Enviroment Eucharistic Minister Gift Bearers Greeter Lector/Reader Linen Maintenance Media Minister Rosary Leader Sacristan Usher Music Ministry (You may choose more than one.) Cantor Choir Director Hand Bell Choir Instrumentalist Pianist Vocal Choir Type of InstrumentParish Office (You may choose more than one.) General Office Help Money Counter Comments/Questions* A background check is required when working with us ** A Driver's License check is required if providing transporationCAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ