Faith Formation Volunteers are Welcome!
It takes a large group of people to run eight classrooms, prepare youth for sacraments, coordinate summer bible school and activities for the young people at Blessed Sacrament. On some occasions it is “All Hands On Deck”! We incorporate fun and hope the youth enjoy their experiences with us. Below is a list of volunteer opportunities we have in the Faith Formation department.
- Faith Formation Committee
- Catechist
- Substitute Catechist
- Chaperone
- Retreat Team
- Sacramental Preparation Team
- Transportation to youth events
- Vacation Bible School (VBS)
- RCIA Catechist or Sponsor
- RCIC Catechist or Sponsor
If you are interested in helping the formation of our children contact either Mary Beth Odegaard or Julie Yourczek at 701-282-3321 or email or